
The SPCS operates in the field of risk management. Of course everybody is primarily responsible for their own safety, but the SPCS has set itself the goal to provide the necessary support in relation to relevant safety issues. This includes the preparation of guidelines and views for risky tasks within the inspection industry. The primary goal is minimize the health and safety risks that surveyors face while performing their duties. The SPCS indicates the different possibilities to comply with legal requirements and will therewith operate in a guiding, practical and accessible manner. Technical and scientific developments and insights will continuously be adhered to.

Members of the SPCS have committed to deploying within their own organizations all the published guidelines and views.

NOTE: The below published documents are only available in Dutch language. Please feel free to contact us if you require any explanation or further clarification.

SPCS Publications

SPCS Safety Bulletin, Safety Data Sheets

2. Veiligheidsplan - Werken met gevaarlijke stoffen (in ontwikkeling)
3. Veiligheidsplan - Specifieke gevaarlijke stoffen (in ontwikkeling)
4. Veiligheidsplan - Zwavelwaterstof H2S
5. Veiligheidsplan - Monstername Fenol, kresol en Kresylzuren
6. Veiligheidsplan - Transport gevaarlijke stoffen
7. Veiligheidsplan - Betreding besloten ruimtes
8. Veiligheidsplan - Werken op hoogte (in ontwikkeling)
9. Veiligheidsplan - Werken bij extreme weersomstandigheden
10. Veiligheidsplan - Pilot ladders en overstappen open zee
11. Veiligheidsplan - Statistische elektriciteit (in ontwikkeling)
12. Veiligheidsplan - Gebruik elektronische apparatuur
13. Veiligheidsplan - Ergonomie (in ontwikkeling)
24. Veiligheidsplan - Ademhalingsbescherming

FORM001 - Safety checklist Phenol sampling
Veiligheidsplan - Overige PBM instructies (in ontwikkeling)